Waveform Analysis

Acoustic waveform analysis is basically a graphic representation of sound, which allows you to see the relative strengths of different tonal ranges, as well as the quickness of attack and rate of decay. The graphs are generated in real time, so as you follow the chart from left to right, you can "see" the sound as it happens; since the chords were strummed in the usual "downstroke" motion (low E to high E strings), you can see the relative strength of each tonal frequency by how wide the "spikes" are vertically. It's really not as complex as it sounds!

Below are WAV files of the different "test" guitars being strummed with a G chord by Chris Bozung, each accompanied by a waveform analysis graph of the WAV file. Listening to the WAV file while viewing the graphs should make the waveform analyses easier to understand.

Waveform analysis graphs were generated using Creative Labs' WaveStudio software version 4.02.


CB AuditoriOM Mahogany

(click picture for sound)


CB AuditoriOM Mahogany "Fleur-de-Lis"

(click picture for sound)


CB Herringbone Brazilian Rosewood

(click picture for sound)


CB Herringbone Mahogany

(click picture for sound)


CB Model J Brazilian Rosewood

(click picture for sound)


CB Model J Cocobolo

(click picture for sound)


CB Model J Mahogany

(click picture for sound)


CB Special Curly Maple

(click picture for sound)


CB Super Cocobolo

(click picture for sound)


1934 Gibson L-00

(click picture for sound)


1939 Gibson J-35

(click picture for sound)


1946 Martin OO-18

(click picture for sound)


1950 Martin D-18

(click picture for sound)


1950 Martin D-28

(click picture for sound)


Next Page - Pictures From The Studio



Last modified: November 28, 2015


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Last modified: November 28, 2015